Boddington Corp is London’s and Singapore’s only Main gold company and has established itself in the global gold mining industry. Primary concessions are in worldwide and collectively hold 5.5 million ounces of gold resources; Future expansion will be achieved through further acquisitions and organic growth.

Future expansion will be achieved through further acquisitions and organic growth.  Boddington Corp. is the principal investor of Barrick, their, primary operation are in US, in  the Round Mountain gold mine Operation, operated by Barrick; Barrick sold   to Kinross Gold Corporation 50 percent. Barrick and Kinross,  agreed to form an exploration joint venture, this operation represents entry into a new geographic region for Boddington Gold.

Welcome to The Round Mountain mine, Operation Nevada US

Round Mountain is an open pit mining operation located in Nye County, Nevada. Most of the people who work at the mine live in the nearby communities of Hadley and Carvers.

Round Mountain Gold Corporation (RMGC) proposes to construct and operate the Round Mountain Expansion Project (Proposed Action), which would include the expansion of its existing open-pit gold mining and processing operations in the Round Mountain Area and development of new facilities in the Gold Hill Area, located to the north of the Round Mountain Area. The proposed Round Mountain Expansion Project is located in south-central Nevada approximately 55 miles north of the town of Tonopah in Nye County.

Proposed activities in the Round Mountain Area would include the expansion of the existing Round Mountain Project Boundary; and expansion of the Round Mountain open pit, North Waste Rock Dump, mill facility, tailings impoundment, growth media and ore stockpiles, storm water control and diversion structures, dewatering operations for the open pit, west and south dedicated leach pads, reusable pad, and process facilities. New facilities would include the development of the North Dedicated Leach Pad, lime silos, and surface installations and portal entry for an underground mine located at the bottom of the Round Mountain Pit. Exploration for additional gold ore reserves would be conducted within the Round Mountain Area. The Proposed Action would require new surface disturbance of approximately 4,698 acres, including 4,581 acres of public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management and 117 acres of private land owned by RMGC. If approved, the anticipated pit mine life would be approximately 13 years, followed by several years of activity including ongoing ore processing, reclamation, and site closure.

Gold production in the Round Mountain district dates back to 1906. A hundred years later, Round Mountain mine reached the significant milestone of 10 million ounces poured, achieved over a 20-year period. Round Mountain uses conventional open-pit mining methods and recovers gold using four independent processing operations. These include crushed ore leaching (reusable pad), run-of-mine ore leaching (dedicated pad), milling and the gravity concentration circuit. Most of the ore is heap leached, with higher grade oxidized ores crushed and placed on the reusable pad. Lower grade ore, ore removed from the reusable leach pad, and stockpiled ore that was previously leached are placed on the dedicated pad.