Our Modell for learning and talent development

Our Model have demonstrated commercial benefits from achieving the standards and there are benefits for their workforce too, not only in being part of a thriving organisation but also in improvements in their own training and development.  We are Investors in a standard provides a framework for our organisations to follow to ensure that they utilise key principles when designing learning and development initiatives. However our organisations work towards the achievement of these standards and it is still important for  their managers to take account of certain key issues when designing and talent development strategies. All Our HR Strategies contribute to the achievement of the overall organisation strategic objectives; learning and talent development strategies are no exception to this.  Each organisation needs to identify its own particular strategic direction and ensure that its learning and talent development strategies align with and contribute to the achievement of the organisation strategic goals. They also need to contribute to the overwall performance management in the organisation, to identify learning y training needs, and establish priorities and pools of talent.

In our 2014 annual survey of learning and talent development the BGC Code (2010), identified the following as being the main learning and talent development strategies being used in our organisations. E-learning has become increasingly popular with 62 per cent of the simple surveyed saying they use this method, while 56 per cent of organisations use some form of in-house learning and development , reflecting the trend to be cost-effective. Coaching by line managers is used by 56 per cent of the organisations in this simple.

Our designing learning and development

Is important to ensure that any programme contributes to the organisation strategic objectives and fits with its priorities. When we were designing a learning programme we have had in mind clear objectives for it. What do you want to learners to be able to do and what do you want them to know by the end of the course?  Our approach to design of learning opportunities is divided and adapted from systematic approaches to training and learning such as the systematic training cycle. Most recent models of the learning and talent development process, including our own, have used it as a starting point. These are of course many valid criticisms of the systematic training cycle which relate to the fact that its focus is on training rather than individualised learning and that it is more suited to a stable work environment rather than a rapidly changing environment in which the focus has shifter from formal training to more informal approaches to learning.  It is also claimed that organisations and employees do not always work through all the stages sequentially and that it is also not clearly linked to the strategic objectives of the organisation.

Assessing learning and talent development needs

It is important to assess what learning and talent development is needed for organisations, teams or departments and individuals. There needs to be an accurate assessment of business and organisational requirements. This should be done in conjunction with the people or groups concerned and should be aimed at contributing to the organisation strategic objectives.

While there is much to be gained from both formal training and less formal learning and development opportunities in term of improved skills and productivity for the workforce, they are nevertheless costly activities, so it is important to provide learning opportunities of the right type for the people or groups who need them. This may in itself present new challenges as different generations of workers have different expectations and preferences for learning approaches. This stage of the circle is referred to as assessing learning and talent development needs and this is frequently done for individuals using the performance appraisal process or personal development rewiev. Learning and talent development needs can be assessed in may ways , but one of the easiest ways is to examine the job that has to be done and the knowledge , skills or competencies that the organisation needs the job holder to have, and then to examine the knowledge, skills and competencies of the person in that job and assess whether there is any gap between the two

This type of assessment can be completed for a whole organisation, a team or department or for an individual. If there is a gap then a learning and talent development initiative may help the individual, team or indeed the whole organisation to progress to the required standard, but if the gap is caused by some other factor such as poor recruitment, then it may be a waste of money to use learning and talent development to tray to develop their careers by identifying their own gaps in their skills in comparison with the direction in which they wish to develop.

Learning and talent development needs can also be assessed by asking the person or people concerned about their learning and development needs, by using questionnaires, or by an analysis of mistakes (faults analysis). If there are any gaps where they do not meet the standards then there is a possible need for learning and development to help to close he gaps, and so a need has been identified.

Setting our objectives

To do this the person organising the event or process need to be clear about what the individual, team or organisation needs to know, or be able to do, or the competencies they need to have acquired after to learning and development has taken place. It is important to establish clear objectives for the learning or development event since without them there is a danger that the event will become unfocused and will not achieve its objectives.  It also provides a basis for one way of evaluating by establishing whether or not the objectives of the event have been met. “Smart” objectives are recommended; the acronym can stand for a variety of things but generally refers to the objectives being specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely or time-bound.

HR Model strategy

1) Organization strategic objectives

  1. Organisation-wide assessment learning and talent development
  2. Assessment of department or team learning and talent development
  3. Assessment of individual learning and talent development

1.1 Set objectives SMART

1.1.1. Evaluate: met objective and added value

1.1.2. Choose methods: formal/ informal /(blended) Planning the learning or development initiative

Once you have decided your objectives for the learning and talent development event, you are then able to plan a programme that uses a variety or blend of techniques in order to achieve this the most effective way. If the learning development is to be effective it cannot be left to change and great deal of planning needs to happen first in term of basic preparation of materials and administration, such as notification to all participants and organisation of the event itself. You need to ensure that everyone is aware in advance of what will be involved in the learning and development event and its timing and location in plenty of time. Letters should have gone to the learners, the people involved in running the event, and the supervisors and managers of those who will be involved so that there is time to arrange cover for their absence from work, if necessary.

Once a learning or talent development need has been identified , there are a number of choices to be made about how it should be met first, should it be carried out in the organisation (in-house) or by an external organisation or other training provider. Second, the line manager or learning and development specialist needs to consider which techniques should actually be used. Should formal instructor-led tradicional training be used or would the need be met better by less formal individualised learning such as e-learning , mentoring or the use of learning logs. Once this has been established a specific learning and development programme needs to be identified or designed.